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Showing posts from February, 2023

Using Facebook To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Social Media drives 31% of all referral traffic. That’s a HUGE amount of customers that social media is driving to businesses. It is vital to take advantage of this referral-generating platform. Set up a Blog Post on your website Post interesting content on your Blog Post. This can include informative tips, articles, technology tips, current event happenings etc. Post interesting imagery/snippets of the tips/articles on Social Media and link it back to your Blog Post. Repurpose the content for alternate uses.

Clarify Your Emails

A few days ago, I received an email that I almost deleted.  I didn't recognize the sender, and the subject line, “Introduction,” didn't explain much.  But when I did read it, I discovered it was from an associate who has occasionally posted a reciprocal link.  He said he'd contact me—no charge—to suggest things I could do to make my listing perform better.  This offer has high value for me. He might reveal tips about the site's customer behaviour that I wasn't aware of. Analyzing his email, I identified three points to improve any business email.  

Writing to Meet a Schedule

You may find it difficult writing blog post after blog post to meet a schedule. There is more to it than getting an idea from your reading, then putting it on paper using some sort of formula.  Your writing process should be like this: Get an idea and let it simmer for days or weeks. Wait for an insight on how to tackle the idea. Sometimes do more research before beginning. Write a draft.  Write in your own style. Don't use any formulas.

Improve Day to Day Productivity

You can improve even small tasks with efficient planning. Organization does more than help you tackle large projects. Use these tips to be more productive in your day-to-day life. Stand Up Keep meetings short and on topic by conducting 10- to 15-minute “stand-ups.” Studies find that these sorts of meetings are more effective. They are also better for your mental and physical health. Make a Decision Everyone has a "to-do" list. Often more than one. You can cut down on clutter and stress. Immediately address any piece of paper handed to you. As an alternative, block out time on your schedule each day to deal with paperwork.