It is vital to take advantage of this referral-generating platform.
Set up a Blog Post on your website
Post interesting content on your Blog Post. This can include informative tips, articles, technology tips, current event happenings etc.
Post interesting imagery/snippets of the tips/articles on Social Media and link it back to your Blog Post.
Repurpose the content for alternate uses.
Social Media
Now that you have great content… where should you focus your efforts?
Facebook and Instagram are still the top choice.
This blog will focus on Facebook.
Facebook is the largest social media platform. It generates over 2 billion monthly active users. Instagram comes in at approx. 800 million monthly active users.
With Facebook, you can attract some of this action by adding a link to your site under your profile.
With Facebook you can provide A LOT of information about your company. (hours of operation, link to website, phone number, etc.)
You can also generate traffic to your website by posting interesting content. Be sure it links back to the blog post on your website.
People interested in the type of content you’re posting are much more apt to “like” and “share” it. As well, they will likely want to find out where they can get more by browsing your website and blog posts.
NOTE: Make sure there’s a link to your website’s homepage on ALL your social media profiles.
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