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Showing posts from December, 2023

Empathetic Marketing means Helping, Not Selling

In a recent statement by Michael Brenner, CEO of Marketing Insider Group, he emphasized the importance of helping, not just selling.  "Empathetic marketing is all about helping, not selling. It's about marketing to real people.  Having conversations with your customers.  And looking at what you can do with your business, your products and your content marketing, to make their lives better."

Join Vivaldi Social – Your Friendly Mastodon Instance

If you’re looking for a fresh and friendly space to connect with like-minded folks, look no further than Vivaldi Social. This remarkable platform is part of the Mastodon network and is proudly hosted in Iceland by the brilliant minds behind the Vivaldi Browser. And the best part? Everyone is invited to hop on board and be a part of this vibrant online community! So, what exactly sets Vivaldi Social apart from the rest? Well, let me break it down for you:

Why I'm Tired of Vague Online Services and Free Trials

You know what really grinds my gears? It's those online services or apps that reel you in with minimal description and zero price information. Instead, they tempt you to download or sign up for a free trial, usually lasting 10 days or a month. Then, it's left up to you to decide whether you want to stick with it or not. Now, call me cautious, but I'm fiercely protective of my energy and time. I'm not about to hop on the download or trial train without a clear understanding of what I'm getting into. I need to know the ins and outs of how it works and, most importantly, what it's going to cost me once the trial period is up. This marketing strategy just doesn't cut it for me.

Bridging the Credibility Gap

On website About pages, you sometimes see narratives bursting with passion for a mission. There are also dramatic stories about the founder's personal experiences. But, this page must also address two crucial questions in the mind of the potential client: Are you in fact good at what you do? And can I count on you to deliver as promised? If the bio doesn't include credentials then you have a trustworthiness gap. An About page needs more than enthusiasm and a personal backstory. It should provide external indicators of competence and reliability. 

The Pitfalls of Using Acronyms in Public Communication

Lately, I've been thinking about a topic that I'd like to delve into today – the use of acronyms in public communication. You know, those abbreviated versions of words or phrases that we frequently encounter in emails, social media, and even official documents. Now, I understand that acronyms can appear to be a convenient way to convey your message quickly, but have you ever paused to consider the unintended consequences of relying on them excessively?