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Making Effective Forecasts

If you want to make forecasts that are useful and credible, here are some tips to follow.

* Focus on your domain of knowledge and avoid making guesses about topics you are not familiar with. This will help you build trust and credibility with your audience.

* Identify patterns and trends that are not obvious or widely known. Better yet, find historical parallels that can support your predictions. Choose examples that illustrate how the changes you foresee will be lasting and significant.

* Don't extrapolate from your own experiences or preferences. Base your predictions on facts and evidence. Don't fall prey to cognitive biases, wishful thinking or personal passions.

* Be relevant and serious. Your audience may rely on your forecasts to make important decisions. Don't waste their time with trivial or frivolous predictions.

* It's best to offer an original analysis. You can also review other predictions in your industry and agree or disagree with them. This will show that you have done your research and have a critical perspective.

Professional forecasters say their work requires humility, open-mindedness and curiosity. Arrogance and pretension can get you attention, but they will also expose your flaws and weaknesses.


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