Did you ever find yourself thinking how stupid one of your customers is? They didn't understand or notice something you feel is ultra-obvious. Take a moment to think it through. Chances are, you weren't clear in your explanation. You could have made an overly optimistic assumption. It's possuble you buried an important instruction.
For example, you created a one-minute "steps to get started" video for new clients. But one person missed the link you provided. Another couldn't get the video to play and never mentioned the problem. Another watched the video, but misunderstand a key word you used in it. Someone else understood the video completely. But they didn't get going until a week later, when they had forgotten it all.
They were not stupid.
It's hard to be clear. It's tough to get people to pay attention and absorb even a message that's clear as air. Even so, it's up to you to try this and that. Keep tinkering with your process until all goes well.
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