When you are looking to make a purchase, how much research do you do on your own compared to the information you rely on getting from salespeople? Consumers value impartial input. When the customer goes silent in the middle of the sale process, it used to signal that something was wrong. Today, it often means they are doing their research.
You have two options:
1) Provide valuable, impartial content to support their research, or
2) Allow your customer to get their information from other sources.
Smart companies will integrate impartial content to support customer decisions. This means not only sharing where you are the best fit, but also acknowledging where you are not.
Marcus Sheridan, founder of TheSalesLion.com, is one of the foremost authorities on content marketing, and he provides a wealth of knowledge on the best approach to achieve results on his website. According to Marcus, “The top companies are seen as the best teacher on the planet on what they do.”
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